“Wandering in the forest, listening to the trees, searchING fOR new paths”
intree (meaning ”in the tree”) is a multidisciplinary design studio based in Tokyo, established by designers Nao Sugimoto (Japan) and Yanjie Huang (Taiwan). Our philosophy is “earth and people friendly design”, and we offer various services like product design, space design, graphic design and sound design, as well as building total concepts and branding strategies for various solutions.
Majority of our works are based on the theme “intercultural design”. We mainly focus on natural materials, handicrafts, traditional customs and cultures which is peculiar to the place, and explore the ways to spread it’s beauty by analizying from different angles, and adding new ideas and values upon steady researches.
We aim to spotlight those people and places behind the scene to introduce different cultures for mutual understanding. Our mission is to bring peace and richness through our activities, and provide a moment to re-think about the environment which we live in.
intree(インツリー = 木の中)studio は、杉本ナオ(日本)とホアン・イェンジエ(台湾)による東京を拠点としたデザインスタジオ。「地球や人に優しいデザイン」を理念とし、プロダクト、空間、グラフィックからBGMの選曲まで、そのデザイン領域は多義に渡ります。形を作るだけではなく、様々な問題解決のためコンセプトの立案からブランディングまでのサービスを提供しています。
私たちの仕事の多くはintercultural design(異文化間のデザイン)がテーマで、主に地域固有の天然資源、手工芸技術、伝統的な風習などに焦点をあて、確固たるリサーチの元に様々な角度から分析し、新たなアイデアや価値観の付与など、その美しさが最大限に伝わる方法を探求しています。
intree(原意自in the tree)設計工作室由杉本NAO(日本)和黃研潔(台湾)負責,設計主要偏向文化層面的思考,東京為活動據點。我們希望為這個星球提出『環境及人能感受到友善的設計』。設計項目包含物件,平面,空間,裝置,聲音,提供多樣的設計服務。不僅限於物件形態的設計,我們還提供從概念規劃到品牌推廣的服務,以解決各種問題。
intercultural design異文化設計是主要的核心概念,使用特定地域的自然材質,手工藝技法,傳統風俗文化等特點,以紮實的研究為基礎,通過不同角度的切入分析,探索將其美的價值最有效傳遞的方法,再添入新的思考,並賦予新的價值。進一步地促使不同區域文化牽起聯繫的橋樑,彼此相互介紹理解。
Bogor, Indonesia (March 2019)
NAO SUGIMOTO - designer’s history
Nao spent his childhood in Chicago, USA. He started his career as a musician, and under the alias mondii, he has released from record labels throughout the world. Discography and sounds here.
He later works for a record company in Tokyo as a label A&R, designer and art director. In 2004, he launches the SPEKK imprint focusing on minimalism and sound art.
After few years of working as a freelance designer, he establishes the record company Nature Bliss Inc. in 2007.
In 2010, he relocates to Shanghai, China and starts to collaborate and make products with the Miao indigenous people in Guizhou province. Besides, he has been working time to time as a designer and lecturer for JETRO in Laos and Indonesia.
In July 2014, he established the ETHNORTH GALLERY - a platform for his original brand and retail store in Yanaka, Tokyo.
He has always been fond of art, exploring new cultures and connecting people.
略歴 - mentions
- Qwartz Music Awards CDパッケージ設計&デザイン大賞受賞(仏) 2004
- Best CD packaging and design @ Qwartz Music Awards (France) 2004
- 「Cover Art By」Adrian Shaughnessy著 アートブックに作品が一挙掲載(英)2008
- Published works @ “Cover Art By” Adrian Shaughnessy (England) 2008
- JETRO ラオス支援事業プロジェクトにプロダクトデザイナーとして参加(ラオス)2013〜2014
- Product designer for JETRO Laos development project (Laos) 2013〜2014
- JETRO インドネシア有望産品発掘専門家として事業参加(インドネシア)2015〜2016
- Handicraft research & designer for JETRO Indonesia development project (Indonesia) 2015〜2016
- JETRO インドネシアのジャカルタデザインセンターとスラバヤにてデザインセミナー講師として参加(インドネシア)2017
- Lecturer for design seminar in Jakarta design center and Surabaya for JETRO Indonesia development project (Indonesia) 2017
- JETRO インドネシアのジョグジャカルタにて日本のハンドクラフト市場のセミナー講師として参加(インドネシア)2019
- Lecturer for Japan handicraft market seminar in Jogjakarta for JETRO Indonesia development project (Indonesia) 2019
Our brand for original products. We also have a retail store in Tokyo focusing on handmade and natural material goods.
Our music division. We have published 250+ music titles from around the world.